Ep089: Eelco de Boer

Today on the Listing Agent Lifestyle podcast we have a great show for you because I'm speaking with my good friend Eelco de Boer.

As you know, I was traveling over the summer, and while in Amsterdam for our 4th annual Breakthrough Blueprint event, we got to record our Periodic Podcast. It's a kind of 'year in marketing' review for both of us.

We talked about a lot of the things that we've done over the last 12 months, compare notes, reflect on our successes, and talk about what we see for the future.

It's perfect timing as we're moving into the 2020s to look at what are the things shaping not only the next 10 years on a macro level, but what are the technologies, the sentiments, and the tools that we can actually take advantage of right now.

I also want to give you a heads up that October 19th and 20th in Toronto, we are doing a marketing and real estate event about the future of real estate marketing.

The first day is in conjunction with the Archangel summit where there'll be a few thousand people with Seth Godin, Todd Herman, Elizabeth Gilbert and lots of other amazing speakers. Then on the second day, we'll have a day just for real estate agents, so it's more like a mastermind where we can talk about all the things that are going to be important in getting poised and ready for deploying the marketing, mindset, and tools for the 2020s

So if you want to get ahead of the curve here, just send me an email to Dean@DeanJackson.com, and I'll get you all of the details.

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Ep088: Productively multiply your listings

Today on the Listing Agent Lifestyle podcast we're wrapping up the final installment of our summer series on 10 Money Getting Ideas for your real estate business with number nine, Multiplying Your Listings, and number 10, Becoming a Productivity Ninja.

There's going to be some really great ideas here. I really work a lot on this idea of Multiplying Your Listings. If you've got listings right now and you're the only one with that listing, then you've got an opportunity that's amazing right now.

You've got not just the opportunity to get that listing sold, but you've got an opportunity to find the buyer for that house. You've got the opportunity to find a buyer who buys another house if they don't buy this one. You've got the opportunity to get the next listing in that neighborhood, and you've got the opportunity to get a referral from the seller before the end of the transaction.

There is so, so much opportunity to leverage what you're doing.

You're going to enjoy this episode.

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Ep087: Fall in love with your prospects

Today on the Listing Agent Lifestyle podcast we're continuing our series on 10 Money Getting Ideas with one that's a little bit different - 'Fall in love with your prospects'.

Now, you'll see what I mean by that because there's nothing more powerful than love as a motivator, and this idea, when you start thinking about it, 'what if you were really treating each prospect like they were the love of your life?' is kind of an interesting mindset.

You'll see some of the thoughts that this leads to.

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Ep086: Be a Market Maker

Today on the Listing Agent Lifestyle podcast we're going to talk about something that you can put into action right now... literally today, and preferably every week for the rest of your career.

This is the one thing that can have the lowest cost, highest yield return in your business, and we call it being a market maker.

There are many opportunities available to you here, but if I could instill one habit in you, it would be to get into the Market Maker Monday habit where every week on Monday, you take a moment and think to yourself, who am I working with right now? Who am I going to show homes to this week? Who am I going to see about selling their home this week?, and then think to yourself, who do I know, who are my clients, or who are the people in my sphere that live immediately near those places I'm already going to?

You're able to, with this simple email strategy we're going to talk about, be able to turn that thought into a referral getting opportunity.

You're really going to enjoy this episode.

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Ep085: Set Up Listing Oil Wells

Today the Listing Agent Lifestyle podcast, I'm calling in from Toronto, coming to the end of our summer adventure, and heading back to Florida on Sunday.

I'm excited about this week's episode because it's a topic that's perfect timing for right now.

As we come toward the end of the summer and into the fall, if you can get your ducks in a row for what we're going to talk about here, building your listing and creating oil wells to get listings that continue to pump out new listings for you, then you've got a great lead in to the New Year with a lot of potential listings as soon as they are ready to start putting their homes on the market.

So I think you're going to enjoy this episode.

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Ep084: Generate More Buyer Leads Than You Can Handle

Today on the Listing Agent Lifestyle podcast we're continuing our Money Making Ideas series and we're going to be talking about an exciting topic; generating more buyer leads than you can handle.

It's an interesting topic because from that abundance, from generating more buyer leads than you can handle, you'll see there are a lot of opportunities that come with it.

Let's get started.

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Ep083: Getting Referrals

Today on the Listing Agent Lifestyle I'm calling in from Toronto, on our summer adventure, and this week we're going to be talking about referrals.

Referrals really are one of the highest yield, lowest cost things you can do to grow your real estate business, and in this episode we had a great discussion about all the different ways you can orchestrate them..

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Ep082: Leverage

Today on the Listing Agent Lifestyle podcast I'm in Toronto, making my way through our world tour here, I'm back from London and Amsterdam, and we're going to continue our series on 10 money getting ideas for your real estate business.

You're going to really love this episode because we're talking about a topic that can have a tremendous impact on your business. That topic... always looking for leverage.

There are a lot of things we have the opportunity to do as realtors, as business owners to free you from the day to day things that take up a lot of your time.

Today I'm going to share some really cool ways to think about leverage and get yourself some freedom, so you can think bigger, and execute bigger.

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Ep081: Thinking Bigger

Today on the Listing Agent Lifestyle podcast I'm calling in from Amsterdam, and we're going to listen to the second in our series of 10 Money Getting Ideas for your real estate business.

We're going to be talking about something that can have an immediate impact on your business. Something that doesn't take that much work... Thinking Bigger.

There's a lot of magic in those words, and you're going to enjoy this episode.

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Ep080: The Best Real Estate Marketing Ideas

Today on the Listing Agent Lifestyle podcast we're starting a series that will run through the summer called 10 Money Getting Ideas For Your Real Estate Business.

These sessions are from a live mastermind workshop I did, and as I shared, it was on the anniversary of my 25th year being in real estate, and I was obsessed with real estate marketing.

We talked about some of the most impactful ideas I've developed, discovered, and been part of over those 25 years, and you're going to really get a lot out of this series. Let's get started with session number one.

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