Ep079: Ben Dau

Today on the Listing Agent Lifestyle podcast we're talking with Ben Dau from Waverly, Iowa. A metropolis of 3,500 homes just outside of Waterloo.

We had a great conversation about the uniqueness of working in a small market and what it means to dominate a market like that.

We went through all of the elements of a Getting Listings campaign. He's just started with his first Getting Listings mailings, he's got his first leads, so we talked about how to parlay that momentum and continue to grow using some big opportunities by thinking outside of just the transactional real estate box. Instead, thinking about all the homeowners in Waverly.

It's a really great conversation that went very fast. You're going to enjoy this episode.

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Ep078: Alex Loutchanski

Today on the Listing Agent Lifestyle podcast we're talking with Alex Loutchanski from Toronto, where, coincidentally, I happen to be this week.

We had a great conversation. Alex has focused on trying to establish a way to get listings and get repeat and referral business from his clients, and we spent the whole hour talking about those two things.

We talked about what he's working on at the moment, and the most important outcome of engineering the conversation when we're communicating with both people who are going to sell their house in the next 12, 24 36 months, and the people who already know you, like you, and trust you,

It's very important that we always start with the reason why we're doing anything in the first place.

For example, the reason we're communicating with people who live in a particular neighborhood or a specific type of home, is to establish yourself as the only choice when it's time for them to sell, so we're looking to identify the people who are most likely to sell in the next year or so.

With our top 150, the people who know you, like you, and trust you… the people you would recognize if you saw them at the grocery store… we're trying to continue to stay in contact with them. The number one reason people don't use the realtor that helped them get the house they just sold is because they've lost touch with them, so we're trying to stay in touch and be on their mind when they think of selling, or hear other people talking about buying, selling, moving, or investing.

The hour with Alex went by quick, and you're going to enjoy this conversation.

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Ep077: Michelle Garcia

Today we have a very special simulcast Episode of the Listing Agent Lifestyle, and More Cheese Less Whiskers Podcasts.

Now, if you've been listening to to the shows for any time, you know my two favorite things in life are marketing and real estate, and I love it when those paths cross.

Today is one of those days because we've got a special guest, Michelle Garcia, from Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, and Michelle is a realtor looking to build systems around cracking into the luxury market in Coeur d'Alene.

She's had some success. She listened to the I Love Marketing podcast and learn some strategies that she started applying in her business. She put together a relocation guide and started finding all these buyers who are looking for homes in Coeur d'Alene.

She realized the reason she's getting all these buyers was because that's who she was attracting with her guide, so start thinking about how to apply marketing to get what she really wants… listings… and maybe she could do the same thing.

So that's where we started our conversation, and I think you're really going to enjoy where this leads.

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Ep076: 50-Minute Focus Finder

Today on the Listing Agent Lifestyle podcast we're going to talk about one of the most important elements of the Listing Agent Lifestyle… The feeling of abundant time, and we want more than just the feeling of abundant time, we want the actuality of abundant time!

The number one way you're going to get the business elements of the Listing Agent Lifestyle; Getting Listings, Multiplying your Listings, Getting Referrals, Converting Leads, and Finding Buyers, implemented is by wrangling your time.

People often tell me, the thing that stands in their way is that they just don't have time. They're too busy.

We want to help you get control of your time and use it in a proactive way, and the way to start is to eliminate all the reactive activators that are stopping you from implementing the things you want to implement.

So we've got a really great strategy for you that I call it the 50 Minute Focus Finder, and what you're going to listen to right now, is a complete training, elegantly 50 minutes long, that’s going to give you a tool you can use for a lifetime to get anything you want to get done, done.

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Ep075: Jeff Jones

Today on the Listing Agent Lifestyle podcast we're talking with Jeff Jones from DeSoto county, Mississippi, just outside of Memphis.

I first had a conversation with Jeff on one of our GoGoAgent coaching calls, and I love the kind of market that he is in. He’s outside of a city, the whole county is about 180,000 people and four communities, and the main one is an area called South Haven. It’s almost 60,000 people and that's where Jeff lives.

We went through the Listing Agent Lifestyle elements and talked about Getting Listings, which he’s been doing now for a few months. He has all of the foundations laid, and he’s getting leads, with over a hundred people responding to both his postcards and Facebook ads.

So he has a really great foundation, and we talked about now, taking the geography, taking the area he has, and looking at it, dissecting it into the specific target audiences that we can set up what I call market maker triangles, a system for finding people who are looking for 55 plus communities or lakefront communities or golf course communities.

You're really going to enjoy the conversation as it unfolds.

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Ep074: The Self Milking Cow with Frank Kern

Today on the Listing Agent Lifestyle podcast we have a bit of a different show. I'm down in South Beach this week, and one of the things I got to do was spend a little time with my friend Frank Kern, and it reminded me of being on his podcast, ‘Your Next Million’. 

We talked about ‘the self milking cow’. I shared the idea that the struggle or limitation, holding back a lot of entrepreneurs back is that they're trying to be ‘self milking’. 

They're trying to do it all; trying to make the milk, meaning come up with the ideas, the money and the strategies, and they're also trying to milk themselves, package it, take it to market, and do the billing and clean up around the shop and farm.

The sooner you realize making the milk is the most important thing you can do, and it's the thing that only you can do, the more success you’ll have. Everything else can be done by farmers, and I'm saying that not in a demeaning way to farmers, because there are people who love to be in support roles or love to do things without having to come up with the milk. 

I think when you're the person who can make the milk, one of the creative leaders of an entrepreneurial venture, whether it's a real estate agent, or any kind of business, the problem is we kind of take it for granted. We think that everyone can do it and it almost feels like we shouldn't be able to just do that as it seems too easy. It seems like it’s not work.

That's a limiting belief, and you’ll realize not everyone is you, and that some people, in fact most people, really just want to know exactly what to do and feel like they're making a contribution to a bigger picture. 

We had a great conversation and I'm going to let you listen in on that entire conversation this week, and then I’ll be back next week and we'll continue with our regularly scheduled programming.

In the meantime, enjoy this one. I think you're really going to get a lot out of it.

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Ep073: Paul Kelly

Today on the Listing Agent Lifestyle podcast and we've got a great episode. We're talking with Paul Anthony Kelly from East Los Angeles.

Paul and his wife have been in real estate for almost 20 years now, and they have a very established business. It’s stable, similar volume year after year, with a very stable referral base that generates most of their business. So today we talked about all of the listing agent lifestyle elements and how they can use that stable business as a launching pad.

I'm so excited because there's so many people in exactly this position. If we can layer on top of what you’re already doing, and really leveraged things that are easy to execute, we're going to see an amazing transformation over the next six months, 12 months, 24 months.

You're really gonna enjoy this episode. There are lots of take aways.

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Ep072: Michael Weisman

Today on the Listing Agent Lifestyle podcast we’re talking with Michael Weissman from Maine about getting started in real estate.

He's been a realtor just since November, and he’s very excited to establish himself as a ocean front listing specialist in Maine after hearing about and listening to the episode with Kenny MacCarthy who did just that in Cape Ann.

We have an established model for taking and applying our Getting Listings program specifically to ocean front homes, and that's what we spent a lot of our discussion on today. 

I'm excited for you to hear this, especially if there's an area, maybe not ocean front, but an area that would be a high end portion of your market that you'd like to take over.

It’s a big philosophy around starting with the most desirable thing and building backwards from there.

You're going to enjoy this episode. It will get you thinking in a different way.

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Ep071: David Bach

Today on the Listing Agent Lifestyle podcast I'm coming to you today from Phoenix, Arizona. I'm just about to go into a meeting where we’ll be sharing some cool stuff and I wanted to record this intro for you because we just did a podcast with our good friend David Bach.

David’s written several New York Times bestselling books. He's been on Oprah, he's the author of The Automatic Millionaire, and he has a new book coming out called The Latte Factor.

We spend a lot of time on the Listing Agent Lifestyle podcast talking about the business element’s of Getting Listings, Multiplying Your Listings, Getting Referrals, Converting Leads, and Finding Buyers. Well, this is an important part of the lifestyle elements too… Abundant Time, Daily Joy and particularly, Financial Peace.

I'm excited to bring this to you. We recorded it on our I Love Marketing podcast with Joe Polish, and as soon as we finished the interview, I thought, you know what? I need to bring this to our Listing Agent Lifestyle people. 

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Ep070: Josh Schoenly

Today on the Listing Agent Lifestyle podcast we're talking with Josh Schoenly from Mechanicsburg PA.

Josh has been in the real estate community for more than a decade. He's been working with and training real estate agents and has built a nice community over the years.

He's been kind of getting the itch to be on the front lines and apply all the things he knows work. He's been listening to the Listing Agent Lifestyle podcast and has been inspired by seeing what's been happening with Diane here as we implement all of the programs and start to get results, so he jumped on board to start implementing.

He's really a disciplined executer with the ability to get things in action. He jumped right in with both feet in terms of starting a Getting Listings campaign, getting his Top 150 together, and getting his World's Most Interesting Postcard mailed out, so we had really great conversation about laying the foundation.

If you're at that point, ready to get started, then you're going to enjoy this conversation.

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