Ep033: Reviewing your Listing Agent Lifestyle

Today on the Listing Agent Lifestyle podcast I'm calling to you live from Amsterdam. It's our lunch break at the Breakthrough Blueprint event and I realized I hadn't recorded the intro for today's podcast, so I'm doing it right here, live, just for you!

So today we've got another live session from our Gogo Agent Academy in February, and this will wrap up the Academy so you'll get to hear us talk about the dream come true Listing Agent Lifestyle, and the steps you can take to get there.

I also want you to set aside the 8th & 9th September for our Gogo Agent, Listing Agent Lifestyle Summit in Toronto.

We've got some really great speakers lined up including Brendan Burchard, JP Sears and Jim Kwik and Jj Virgin speaking on the first day, and then we're going to focus on all the lifestyle elements that we talk about here, on day 2.

At the Academy in February, we talked about all the business things and this is going to be an opportunity for us to talk about the lifestyle elements and go really deep on those.

I'd love it if you could join us 8th & 9th September. Save the date, and I'm going to send you out all the information about it shortly, but in the meantime, enjoy today's episode.


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Transcript: Listing Agent Lifestyle Ep033

Dean: I was thinking, I want you to set aside the dates, September 8th and 9th for our GoGoAgent Listing Agent Lifestyle Summit in Toronto. We've got some really great speakers lined up. We're going to have Brendan Berchard and we're going to have JJ Virgin and JP Sears and Jim Quick and JJ Virgin.

That's a really great thing and we're going to do an actual Listing Agent Lifestyle summit on day two, where we're going to focus on all the lifestyle things that we talked about. February we talked about all the business things and this is going to be an opportunity for us to talk about the lifestyle things and go really deep on those, so I'd love it if you could join us, September 8th and 9th. Save the date, I'm going to send you out all the information about it shortly, but in the meantime, enjoy today's episode.

This is going to be one of our favorite topics, we get to talk about what would be your dream come true. There's nothing like this. Get the fish jumping in the boat, that would be the dream come true. Fish chasing the boat, yeah, wait for me? I'm in the wrong boat, oh, that's so funny. It's so much fun to have that kind of thing happen though. It's just such a testament, it's a winning story all the way around.

It's really interesting to me when I look at this now, we've covered the whole spectrum from getting listings to multiplying your listings to getting referrals to converting leads to finding buyers, we talked about it all. And so I'd like now to really kind of tie all this into really what would be like the dream come true. What's your definition of the Listing Agent Lifestyle? What would it look like for you, like what would be your dream come true in this?

It's a fascinating like place to come from, because most people don't ever think that way. What I'm talking about now and I'm combining the lifestyle elements that we're talking about of the daily joy and abundant time and financial peace, tying all that together, to create a business that helps you have all of those things. That's really the reason that we got into business is to be in control of our own situation, and often, the business that we start ends up robbing us of those very three things.

We're completely stressed every day, we don't have time to do anything, and we're under financial stress, because we're the ones that have to now go out and create all the money to pay the bills and all these extra expenses for running our business, so we don't get any of what the whole purpose of starting the business was about.

So when you look at it like that, it's really kind of interesting for me to see the different levels on the spectrum of what people are doing and where the opportunities are. I just think like, I see that the tools are all there, we've cracked all the codes, we've got all the puzzles solved, in terms of the ability to reach all of those five, all the five business elements. We've got strategies and systems for it.

But what my observation of it is, is that the biggest obstacle to it is certainly implementation of it, is the biggest one. And then undercapitalization probably would be another one, which forces people into having to spend the limited time that they have on doing the thing that could be done by other people if there were capital involved. If it was a capitalized business.

And a lot of that is ... some of it is mental, some of the undercapitalization is a mental block of not freeing up like the money that may be held over here in reserve as like, break in case of emergency kind of thing, or keeping the supply house over here, instead of thinking about it as the opportunity to multiply the money, rather than spending it.

What would be a good like entry point to that conversation? That's why I asked this, what would be a dream come true? Has anybody thought that thought or think that way and we can maybe start with that as a conversation.

Audience: And this is actually a question I wanted to ask you, Dean, but I guess this is a good lead-in, who is Thomas Leonard and how did he help you?

Dean: So Thomas Leonard is the guy who basically invented the personal coaching world. He started Coach University and made that the International Coaching Federation, made it like a legitimate industry, the coaching industry. And we became really good friends in the late '90s. He died in 2003 and I got to spend a lot of time with him. I was one of his closest friends. We really were very close, we clicked in a lot of ways. I got to spend time with him.

We worked on a program together called A Perfect Life, because he was drawn to the lifestyle elements of the way that I built my business and the ease of those kinds of things, but he was really like a fantastic like organizer of information in a way that helps teach it to people or to do those things. So we worked on that A Perfect Life program together, and one of the things that we did was come up with this way of asking a question of answering the phrase, I know I'm being successful when...

And so I did that, in 1999, I went through this whole exercise of really examining what would be the ... what would be success. I know I'm being successful when, and the way that those words are phrased is that it's about the present tense of it. I know I'm being successful when. It's not I know I will be successful, because most of the time when we're thinking about success, you can't visualize success unless you visualize what are the components that would illustrate that I am being successful today.

So most people set it out as this aspirational, in the future type of destination, and not as an experiential, present-minded thing. So nobody knows when they get there. And Dan Sullivan talks about that idea of the horizon being something that you never reach. You never reach the horizon and so you constantly live in this gap of looking at where you are and still there's further to go.

And so what he's saying is that when you turn around and you measure your progress, that's where you feel... only when you turn around and measure your progress, do you see how far you've actually come. But in order to measure your progress, you need to know, it's kind of going back to knowing your numbers or knowing your situation or your description of the feeling or the element of the life that you want, to know that you've made some strides in that right direction.

So the way I described it to Thomas was like pushing the accelerator pedal and let's go forward and see, well, what does it look like, what am I shooting for here? And then so I'll know when I get there, I'll know when that's the thing. So I answered that question with 10 ways that I know I'm being successful when. And so for me, I would answer those, my number one was I know I'm being successful when I can wake up every day and say what would I like to do today? That to me was the time freedom definition of how I would define that I know I'm being successful.

The second was that my passive revenue exceeds my lifestyle needs. So I know I'm being successful when my passive revenue exceeds my lifestyle needs. I know that there's money coming in, that I'm not having to go out and recreate it every month, starting from zero. I know that I've got money coming in that exceeds my lifestyle needs, so that's the foundation that allows you to wake up every day and say what would I like to do today? Because you don't have to go and make the money to pay for dinner tonight or that kind of mindset of coming from that passive revenue thing.

And then my third one was that I know I'm being successful when I'm working on projects I'm excited about and doing my very best work. This is not about being idle, it's not about just getting to a point where you're doing nothing, it's that statement and the way that it's phrased, all of the words matter. Because it's expandable, infinitely. I'm working on projects, meaning there's a beginning and an end to it and it's a project that I'm excited about. I want to do it. I don't have to do it. I want to do it. And I'm doing my very best work, which means it's constantly pushing me forward.

I'm expanding my abilities by continually getting ... and I get bigger and bigger opportunities, because I'm constantly working on things that are doing my best work. And my best work every year gets better than the work that I was doing five years ago. Because I've had that much more experience and that much more results and that much more residual effect of all of the things that work, that continue to run, and create passive revenue that keep on.

So those three are like the core things for me and so when people ask me, it's kind of like the thing that people often say, well, it looks like you're you able to do a lot of stuff but it just seems so like relaxed and low-key. And it's because I'm crystal clear on what my definition of success is.

And so I would encourage everybody to have that kind of clarity and when I ask people, like we started this conversation with, what would be a dream come true for you, is often people get this deer-in-the-headlight look, like they don't have a sense of what that would be. Because they never allowed themselves to even just think that thought.

But we're in a situation right now, this moment in time, even compared to 1990 and nobody could see this coming, nobody could see where we were going to be in 2018, back in 1998, 20 years. Think about what's changed in that 20 years from ... the internet is really only 20 years old, but there was no iPhone, there was no Facebook, there was no AdWords, there was no ... there's been things that have come and gone. We got on the front end of the AdWords wave, we were able to ride that all the way till they changed the rules on it and then you can make the adjustment and Facebook is that now and I think that we're going to look back in five years and say that I wish we had done more on that.

Because the same things are going to happen. Right now, it's about attention, that's the whole thing that it's about, is its undervalued attention. Big businesses, corporate businesses have that much confidence in it that they're putting all their money into online, to digital things. They're still running print ads and television ads and banner ads online, but as they start to get to that point, the same things are going to happen to Facebook that happened to Google that once Procter and Gamble or a Citibank or all of these big companies figure out that they can way do better on that, that's going to push out the opportunities for the little guys, who are spending a little less money.

Because there's still only so many attention opportunities in your newsfeed. They've already gone from one out of seven posts in your newsfeed was an ad a year ago. Now it's one out of five is an ad on your newsfeed. And so that's pushing out the ... already you're seeing it happen with the big shift that they've made now is your stuff isn't getting to as many of your friends as it used to get to. That's really the thing, even our movie review videos, they even stopped, now they don't have a counter on the video to show you how many people are seeing it, because they don't want you to see that there's less reach going on for it.

I would put up a movie review video and we'd get 1,500 people watching the video. When they stopped, it was in the last 90 days they've stopped doing the counter, but we already it was at a point where I might get 800 views on a movie review video. So it already was cut in half, now I don't even know what the things are.

Instagram, they own Instagram. Facebook owns Instagram. So any of the things that you're doing in the Facebook world are also showing up on Instagram.

Audience: So obviously Facebook has got to make a decision about how much ad content am I going to put it in front of Dean Jackson before he just says, forget Facebook, I'm going with Snapchat. Forget it, it's not worth it anymore, it's just a big ad feed. They've got to find a way to strike that balance.

Dean: That's exactly it, that's why they're already starting to see. For the first time ever, engagement went down and they know that's what they're selling is they're selling that attention and they can't ruin that. So now that's exactly what it is, it's supply and demand, they can't create more of it, the only thing they can do is charge more for what they have. And that's when the big businesses that are ... when you realize how undervalued it is right now...

I look at it as postcards, so I run these ... I look at it as postcards. So for the last two weeks for our Listing Agent Lifestyle, has anyone seen one of the Listing Agent Lifestyle ads come in your newsfeed yet? No, maybe, it's okay because there's a lot of you. So in the last two weeks, we've had 1,247 people download the Listing Agent Lifestyle book, meaning they left their name and their email address to do that. So those leads, yeah, cost me $2.25, but the total reach was 70,000, I call them postcards, that's what I'm looking at it. I look at it as that post showing up in your newsfeed is like the equivalent of a postcard, so it's like I sent 70,000 postcards that got that and I got 1,247 responses, which is about what would be a really good response rate on mailing postcards, except it cost me $2,800 to mail those 70,000 postcards.

So what is that right now? 77,000 divided by 2,800. The other way around, 2,800 divided by 77,000, so for 3.6 cents, I delivered 70,000 postcards. Now that is undervalued by at least five, 10 times. Even if you take an EDDM, but I'm talking about specifically targeted to people who have listed their job title as real estate agent, I'm right in the exact target that I want. Somebody who declared themselves to be my prospect.

Audience: So let's follow that through to its logical conclusion though, would you agree or do you think it's a reasonable to say that the large Madison Avenue firms and the people who advertise for Infiniti and Citibank and PepsiCo, they don't really get or really implement the type of marketing that you evangelize.

If in fact, Facebook says, what we have here is more valuable than a real estate agent getting their ad into somebody's feed, we can sell it to PepsiCo and Infiniti and to Citibank for a lot more than we can sell it to a real estate agent, then Facebook is going to start to look like television and at that point people are going to go ... and part of the draw of Facebook is that it's personalized and between our friends. I don't want to go on Facebook and look at a bunch of ads from PepsiCo, Infiniti and Kraft.

Dean: But it's happening, that's where it's going to go and that's why people who are preaching that message, there's the thing, it's like my buddy Gary Vaynerchuk is the fastest-growing digital agency in the world, because he's preaching exactly that message, loud. You guys are crazy, this is the most undervalued thing, you can crush the results of a TV campaign right now, because we're looking at it that you can get in front of people for three cents, ridiculous.

Audience: It's actually already changing, Zuckerberg announced last week, I don't know who saw that, so they're already going to change the feed because of what you were just saying. So there's too many ads in a feed and this is their way of trying to make up for the whole like election thing and Russian influence. So they've decided that there's too much non content in Facebook now, so they're in the process of changing it and I have a lot of friends that work at Facebook.

Dean: So the thing that they're changing, it's not affecting the ads, they don't mind the ads, it's people running and getting a page and getting people to like their page and then building this audience of people who like the thing and thinking that when we post on this page ... so my friend Brendon Burchard is one of the largest guys on Facebook. He's got more now, but I think he had like almost 20 million likes on ... it's easy to find out, how many people like Brendon Burchard?

This was the strategy that they were pushing was build your fan page, they were charging people money, you got to build your business page, and then you get people to like it, and then when you post on there, everybody will see it. That's the message that they would be posting. He's at 5.2 million, but 20 million overall with Instagram, YouTube, all that stuff.

But 5.2 million people, now what happens, what they're throttling back is his organic reach to those 5 million people who like his page, not his paid reach. You have to pay to reach, that's exactly what they're saying, so they want you to pay to reach and they're fine with that. They're not going to stop showing less than every fifth post being an ad, that's going to be paid content, but now they're forcing people like Brendan or people like Pepsi or the people who have built that platform, built that audience on that platform, to now pay to reach the audience that they encouraged them to build.

Audience: I had heard that is changing but the other thing that they are changing is the algorithm around the type of content, because there were people that were buying. Because it was paid content, all the Russian stuff, it was paid, but they don't want that type of content, so they're rewriting the algorithms to try and get more authentic content.

So presumably, if you do more livestream stuff, they've been pushing video for a while, but I think that you're going to have to have better quality content and you're going to obviously have to pay to boost it. It's going to be a both/and.

Dean: And so those things with that limited supply, then people will be able to pay more. Now luckily, we are of the people who can afford to pay more. Literally when you look at it, everybody's spending 60 or 70 or $80 a lead for Zillow to do it, for Zillow to buy AdWords, to drive people to Zillo to then get them there to sell them to you for 60 or $70, you can do it yourself for less.

Audience: Any agents using your idea of targeting realtors to look for referrals from certain cities?

Dean: That'd be great wouldn't it? Imagine you're a Florida realtor and your advertising to all the people in the Northeast who have ... I think that's the greatest thing ever. Advertise to realtors, it's a great use.

Audience: Free report on downtown Toronto condo prices.

Dean: So much cool stuff like that.

Audience: Have you experimented with any kind of ads yet or has anybody in the GoGoAgent experimenting with Facebook ads that are working?

Dean: Yeah, the ones that we've been doing are the individual property ads for telling the story. We need to sell these last Muskoka home sites kind of thing, telling those story ads I think will be a really good thing or open house, like specific property ones driving to the instant open house landing page. We're working right now the ad that's similar to what I'm doing for the Listing Agent Lifestyle.

We've got a book that we just finished, like a 90 minute book about the USDA program. So we've got a book that looks like a government document about the USDA home-loan one. Churchill mortgage for the reverse mortgage stuff, we've been having great success with those. And if you work with people who are over 62, there's so many things that we could do together with Tayne in your individual market to find those people. I was talking with John about that, same thing Cindy, this is the prime market for that, same for you, South Carolina would be the same thing. So lots of opportunity there.

But now, asking about what would be the dream come true for you in terms of the buyer or seller leads, what would be the dream scenario? Would you like to just see a gallery of these are the ads that are working and here's how to do it? Or would you like the here's the ads that are working, we can run them for you, and you can pay for them and get the leads. Or we can pay for the leads, we can get it and sell you the leads. What do you want to... what do you want to buy, what do you want to have be the dream come true? Do you want to buy the knowledge for how to do it, or buy the execution of somebody doing it for you and you paying for the ads? Or would you prefer to buy the leads that somebody's doing it, and then sending you the leads? Or would you rather pay a referral for people who are ready to buy? What would be your dream come true?

Audience: As done for you as possible right, the cloud.

Dean: Cloudlandia and get people, showing when they're ready to come. What are you already paying for, that's why I was asking. And I'm surprised like how much these leads are costing right now, what people are paying. Like 1,200 a month or 1,700 month or 10,000 a month or 5,000 a month or 3,000 a month.

Audience: That's not my question. I've got leads already coming in to my website, are you going to charge me for my own leads?

Dean: No, that's like Zillow right now. That's where I'm going with that, what's the thing that would be the dream come true for you?

Audience: For me it's knowing how the process is going to work, understanding that when you're talking about leads and then having that option as to whether I have you do it or I do it. Right now my guy has just retired, so my dream is to get a new mark. This is not a grifter situation. So my question is, I want to understand the options, then make a decision based on them.

Audience: I want the step-by-step essentials, so I could put it together. I'd like to see under the hood, with the support.

Dean: That's the way we go right now is show everything that's working, that's the baseline thing of what I'm doing with GoGoAgent is building a community of the people who are executing this Listing Agent Lifestyle. All of these things to be able to create this sharing community of everybody all working on the same playbook, philosophically.

Audience: I don't want to go any lower level than don't make me build a landing page. You've done that with GoGoAgent. I know I could geek out and do that, but that's a waste of time, the technology is already done, there's no need to learn that.

Audience: I think the question for me though is what am I buying? So are you saying you're going to do the ads and get the leads in?

Dean: Right now you've got your website, your money making your website. So that's exactly the same, you do exactly what you want with that and you have Annapolis. What you're paying for with GoGoAgent is all of the tools and all of the access and the training and the community that we have here, which is what you pay for now. So that's what you're paying for now, what I'm looking for is, how else would you like to collaborate with me to help you get whatever you want?

Audience: In all honesty, it will be me paying you.

Dean: And that's the thing, but that's why I was asking people is what do you want to pay me for? Do you want to pay me to show you how to do ads? Do you want to pay me to run the ads for you and you pay for the ads? Do you want to have me pay to run the ads and sell you the leads? You want to run and nurture and refer people to you as my ... do you want me to get my real estate license and open up a brokerage and sell you a referral for the people who want to buy?

All of those things, I'm saying that any of that is possible.

Audience: So what I want is for you to come over to my house every Thursday and help me build my postcards. I know that's not going to happen but a realistic answer is, I would love to, depending on how it works, this is a big ask, to say I could have 15 or 20 minutes with you once a month or whatever and I email you everything I want to talk to you about first, so you can look at it. And you can say, okay, this is a lot here, this is what I can compress down in 15 minutes and pay for that and be able to talk to you on the phone with the screen share and say this is what I'm doing and just have you look at it and go, obviously John, we need to test this, but based on my experience, I would tweak this, tweak that, eliminate that, now try that and we'll get back together in a month or whatever. That is what I would like.

Dean: How much would you like to pay for that?

Audience: Zero. You have a much better idea in your head of what your time is worth and whether you would do that, so I don't know. I don't want to be the guy to come out with the first number, you come out with the first number. If it's like Dan Kennedy numbers, I can't afford it.

Dean: I get it and that's the thing, you guys are my passion, this is my family thing. I'll tell you this, I do an event like this nine times a year with entrepreneurs with other businesses and they pay $5,000 to be here. Jack was in one of those. I just did that. I do like consulting projects or joint ventures with people or ongoing consulting things. Richard and I were over at Celebration, Thursday, on my way over here. I did a consultation with those guys and they paid $15,000 to come spend a day and we talked and looked under the hood and do all of that.

Now I know that is not in the realm of possibility for most real estate agents. I get it, but there's a lot of ... there's a symbiotic thing in that, there's a leverageable amount of it, that the reason that I'm able to do and share the things that we share is that we can have a whole group of people paying for me to crack the same codes. And then we can have thousands of people do that. And I could host the community of it.

Audience: I'm seeing a panel of easy buttons. The first easy button is I draw a circle on the map and where I want this to be my target area and beyond that, it's more like when I place an investment with Vanguard, here's how much money I'm putting in and you all take it from there. Easy button number two is whatever I need as far as wheels on the ground locally to take it from there, like if I'm paying an agent $25 an hour to do the showing, then it would even be nice if easy button number two included a link to contact them. Maybe I wouldn't even know about it and the checks keep coming in. Easy but number three, I can get in my car, drive to the bank, if it's a physical check.

Dean: There's the thing is all the things that can be centrally managed, like the things that can be done remotely on your behalf, those are all the things that we're doing with the easy button. And so this is why I'm asking this question about what would be the dream come true for you of how I can help you with this, because frankly, I'm quite surprised at how few people are taking advantage of the easy button offer, to have some all these things that can be done for you.

So I'd be curious to hear your candid thoughts about what ... maybe it's not being communicated in the right way, or maybe it's like there's some other clarity that you need or ...

Audience: Like the disk.com for real estate, you dropship those envelopes, I don't have to stuff them.

Dean: Which is all possible, that's all the thing that we can do, all of that stuff. Like everything that can be done by somebody else, we can do that, as long as it's going to be centrally managed, it doesn't require us to be in Tucson or to be a licensed realtor, or access to your MLS or anything like that. All the centrally managed things can certainly be done.

I look at it right now, if we look we go down the Listing Agent Lifestyle elements, getting listings at the point where literally you could draw a circle on a map and say that's where I want listings. And we can do every single thing to get that phone call that Kenny got with the fish jumping in the boat, that can be completely managed for you.

On the listing multipliers, the info box, the instant open house, all that stuff, you send a link to the listing, here's my new listing, that can all be done for you. Your monthly world's most interesting postcard, all the way from finding and entering your top 150 in your GoGoAgent account and setting up the postcard and mailing the postcard every month for you. That can all be done. Setting up, compiling, writing your weekly market watch email can all be done for you as an easy button thing.

But there's some things that require like a slight input, when somebody we need to have the links for or the info for the actual market data that you have. And on the finding buyers side, it could be all the way too, that's why I'm asking what would you prefer? When you look at it, we can go all the way from here's what we're doing, I'll show you how to do it, or I can do the ad for you and you pay for the execution of it, you pay the ad. Or I can buy the ads and sell you the leads, or I can sell you appointments, whatever.

I'd look at it that whatever would be your dream come true, what's the desire of your heart? That's what I really want to know.

Audience: To answer the rest of that question, for every million I make, I would want you to have a million.

Dean: There we go, I like it. Now we're getting somewhere.

Audience: I would say the same thing. When you were talking about what you could do, I like the idea if there was a way to do the actual ... the postcard you've pretty much done, from what I can understand. All the front end, but it's the monthly then where you're doing that.

Dean: We can get to and arrange, we're prepared to expand this service to be able to do other things, but we can certainly compile and get everything staged for your monthly mailing, like to get the cover letter and the things all put together. Like Kenny does with Marketwatch program with a nice cover, it's one thing that we did in South Beach was put together a really nice cover. And then Marketwatch South Beach and the date and then a cover letter on the inside, and then all the properties and then here's what to do next, all sandwiched as a nice beautiful PDF thing that we could prepare and do that and mail that, get that all ready for mailing for you. And you just press send from your things or we could even go in and send it to everybody.

But what would have to happen is we need the MLS data. So if we could get to where you just are able to provide, here's what's happened in the last seven days, that would be a thing.

Audience: In an ideal world, I would love that and when you were talking about doing ads for us, I would like to know for myself just from a ... probably because I'm a computer science business major and a part geek, so I like to know. But in reality, I could be comfortable as I do pay Zillow or whatever, in a perfect world for me, I don't right now get excited about more buyer leads, even though that's ... but I've done that for 13 years.

To me, I've just laid out 1,500 homes I want to mail to and that's a chunk of change, so if you said, well, Cindy, maybe we do whatever and we do these Facebook and maybe it's a lower ... maybe there's a way, whatever, I'm writing checks, if there was a smarter way to say, hey, let's try this, I'm looking to build a listing funnel.

So in a perfect world, I want the listing lifestyle. So whatever gets me closer to that quicker or more cost-effectively. And I'm not even opposed, honestly, I'm not a person that's even opposed to a percentage. I'm a results oriented person, so however all that goes, not in my world either. It's all scalable.

We're talking about return on investment, so every dime I pay, if I pay you something and I get 10 times return, I'm going to do that all day for seven days a week. To me, it's just getting the trust that I'm really going to get that or how that all works out.

Audience: I would like my business to be something you make money from, so that every time ... like we're in business together, like we are now, but I would like to be a revenue source for you. So if you said, well, we're going to do this, like maybe for the entire state of Maine, I'm going to focus as an agent here, but what about all these other towns?

So if we could leverage each other, that's what I want. What do we do? I want to do it now. But I don't have the budget to do what I want to do right now, but I want to do it anyways. I want to be able to golf with you and I want to get wealthy around you and do good things with that money. I'm not looking to be lazy. I want to do interesting things.

Dean: Lifestyle things, fun things, yeah, that's cool.

Audience: I can't shake this ghost realtor idea, like it's stuck there and I could see almost license in it all over the state and then just scaling it. So that's where my head is.

Dean: Are you a part owner of your company? Independent? How many agents?

Audience: 150.

Dean: So I think that's the sweet spot, like I think this big brokerage thing is going to be in trouble in the next five years. The need for them is becoming less and less.

Audience: They're like the firm model that architectures use, lawyers use. We see it with accountants as well, of being a partner in the firm. And I see Compass trying to kind of do that a little bit where they're recruiting and having this big IPO.

Dean: What's the Compass model?

Audience: They're kind of just a startup but they've recruited with signing bonuses and potential for IPO, these huge agents with huge teams, to grow up extremely quickly. And very young. So I think the idea is that they're kind of selling this potential for IPO, where obviously if you're signing up now, you're going to get in the ground floor kind of idea. But I see that firm model coming where it's part employee, but how do you recruit an independent contractor that does well, a top producer? That's the partnership model and that's where we're going.

Audience: You're getting stock and then you're getting stock based on if you cap. So what they are trying to say is our stock keeps going up, so basically it's like a 401 K over here.

Audience: So for expansion teams, for those agents who let's say live in Maine but have a team in Washington DC, so do they have to have a license in Washington DC as well?

Dean: I'm sure that somebody has to be licensed. You can refer anywhere, you just have to be a licensed realtor.

Audience: You can set up the website for leads in that city, but you don't have access to the MLS unless you're a licensed realtor.

Dean: That's right, and everybody talks about that kind of thing and there's a lot of like the grass is greener kind of thinking and this like this fantasy of this distant idealized market that you could run from your local thing. But you're literally, I think job one is that you're sitting on acres of diamonds right in your own neighborhood, is let's just plan to dominate that first.

And everybody has these big grand visions of that kind of thing, but nobody remembers that Facebook started out as a local app in Harvard. That's all it was, a guy started in his dorm room to make it easier for people to communicate and recognize each other at Harvard. That's how it started. And now it's the biggest in the world. But it didn't start out like that. You got to realize, you got to scale that kind of thing.

That's the same thing when you look at, no matter what, you start out with ... you see Tony Kalsi doing 20,000 homes but he started out with a manageable number, made some money and started expanding it out that way. It's an elegant model to just think that way.

Audience: I think, Dean, what you hit on the head is I think there's lots of ways to get leads. We've all been doing this forever. I think the whole magic is in the system that delivers and how that goes. And I think that's where most agents out there, period, break down. And honestly, like in my case, that's not my unique ability. My husband's more so, but that is not my unique ability. So it goes counterintuitive to what my unique gifts are.

So the more of that you can do and I think like what Barb was saying, I think there's a lot of us that don't want to be a huge team, because we can make a really good living with just a husband and wife, maybe one other person kind of thing. And having that whole part scalable.

Dean: We had a taste of what would ... and it wasn't my intention of what we did with Julie to think about that as a model for doing that for other people. My intention for it was to show the efficacy of doing the things that we talked about doing, so I could ensure that they were going to get executed the way that I want them executed. So managing Julie's before and after unit from our office, just like I share with people, that the ideal is to think about your before unit and after unit, completely separated from your during unit. That was a big success, but it wasn't my intention of thinking about it as a model for working with other people. But we were able to more than double her business that way from a standing start.

And so as I've started seeing things like this ghost restaurant kind of idea, one of the models that I've kind of thought about is almost like a management company or a management kind of partnership, where like somebody comes in and manages a hotel property kind of thing. Like all of the infrastructure, to be able to run the before unit and the after unit and do all of the marketing types of things remotely, and allow you to just do the during unit things as like some sort of a partnership type of basis.

Audience: So to follow that thought, Dean, maybe if you had a product that was like your beforeunit.com and basically you called and like others had suggested, I don't remember, but you give us the neighborhood of the streets and leave us to do our thing. And we are convinced based on our research that if you invest in the property over a long period of time, which we define as 18 months or whatever the number is that you'll have an asset that will produce leads, that eventually will surpass your initial investment. So that now you're playing with house money. But you just tell us what it is and we'll do the rest.

I tried to figure out some formula where you say to someone, look, we find that if you make an initial investment of $3,000, $5,000, whatever it is, after 18 months our experience is shown, it's proven, that you'll have an asset that's worth anywhere from five to 10 times that in terms of gross commission income over the following so many years and maybe you sell the product.

That's something that I would consider buying. I realize it's available now with the easy button, my personal problem is I have more of a problem of getting over the how. I know you say get rid of the how and find out the who, but it's just a control thing and I want to learn it, I want to understand it, which I realize is a weakness, but that's why I've done all the stuff myself. When really I could have let Diane and you guys do it as well or better than what I've done and move on.

Audience: How do you separate what I'm doing from what you're doing? So if you're going to refer people back to me, how are you going to bifurcate my system, so I can go ahead and do what I do? Because people are coming into my website, but I'm short of buyers, so that's why you're of interest to me. It's going to be like, what's it cost, how are you going to differentiate into my website what's mine and what's yours? And all that kind of stuff. So I'm interested in hearing more about it.

Dean: My thing is I think we really have like another three or four years maybe with Facebook being as good as it is right now, and to really like push the accelerator pedal and like go for it. That's why I'm just constantly, we're going to look back and at the good old days and I'll be able to say, I remember when I could get opt-ins for $2 on Facebook. Remember that? And now they're 20, which should still be fine, it would still work out, but I've got the opportunity to get them for two now.

If you guys could get that for real estate ones for that little or for $10, that would be a big win.

Audience: I have somebody doing my social media right now.

Dean: When you say I have someone doing my social-

Audience: She's a marketing person, she takes all my listings has my business page, manages my business page, has my open houses on it, puts them on Pinterest, besides Facebook, its Pinterest as well and Twitter. And everything goes on all three platforms. LinkedIn, I do. And they all revert back, all my listings and everything revert back to my getting listings landing pages and instant open house.

Dean: Do you track leads that come from that?

Audience: We're in our third year and there hasn't actually been ... we've been growing the audience, supposedly. So the audience is growing but as far as-

Dean: You're not going to be able to access them because Mark Zuckerberg says we're not going to give organic content.

Audience: That's right, she's a great marketing person, she had her own firm at one point and she's young but she selects articles to put on there, but a lot of them come from the long and foster media outlet that I send her to and everything. I question whether she can really pick the audience that those ads go to when I boost and when I have to do that. So I would like it if she had more real estate knowledge to understand how to really target.

Dean: If you're going to have a who, you need the right who, because the right who has the right how.

Audience: I'm interested in that piece also.

Dean: So my thinking, my direction I think is that really kind of ramping up this Facebook side to ... I think it would be useful for me to create, that's why I hired this guy as a consultant and he is expensive as a consultant because he does it in the industry thing. But I've hired him as a subject matter expert to be able to guide the things that our team can execute.

So layer it like that, but I'm already learning a lot and seeing just the way that he refines the things as I've gone through it with this campaign, with the Listing Agent Lifestyle campaign to see how that worked out has been really great and so we're taking that model. 1,200 in the last two weeks from for $2 each, so that's a win.

Audience: I'm kind of a control freak and I don't think I'm alone in this room. One of my concerns with what you're talking about on Facebook is exactly that. You stay on top of the leading edge of the technology, the changes, and I want to definitely get advantage of that.

When it comes to doing my flyers or things like that, sometimes I don't plan ahead, sometimes I'm not able to plan ahead, so I need to know things like turnaround time, what the true extent of the depth of everything is. And then if all of us were to say tomorrow we're sending you business, can you really handle it tomorrow?

Dean: We're monitoring that and we've got people on deck a kind of thing, to be able to expand as we need, but right now, it's not an issue. And we'll be able to because we've got people on the 90 minute book team that can expand over into this as well. So we got capacity.

And that's the thing, it's scalable. I can do all those things because we've figured out how to ... we know what to do, that's the most important thing.

Audience: For getting listings, are you talking right down to label printing, labeling envelopes or printing envelopes and stuffing envelopes, down to that level?

Dean: You could do that, and everything is possible to be able to print that, put them in the things and mail them. We could do that. There's nothing stopping that, it's just time that we're doing. And to have a system, the great thing is like Lisa by the way ended up getting sick last night, wasn't able to come back today, but the things like the new scheduling system, like automations for things. So the actual time involved in mailing the postcards for the whole year could be really front-end loaded and minimal. Because we set it up and then without ... if there's no change, it doesn't take any extra time, it's automated and automatically goes out.

So the cost is front-end loaded in getting everything set up, but then it's just the cost of the mailing for that. And then when we batch them and we get in a situation where on the first of the month we mailed the getting listings cards, on the 15th of the month, we mailed the world's most interesting postcard, everything kind of gets steered towards that, where we're able to send everybody's postcards and everybody's things all at the same time and have that economy of scale that way too.

Audience: One of the things that takes me the most time in getting listings postcards out is I get the names off the tax records, but then I have to go through and remove the names from there of the people that I'm already sending to. Is there a way to cut down on that?

Dean: Are you saying you have to go to the tax records and get that list every month?

Audience: I have to go to the tax records because it changes, people come and go. So I get that each month from the tax records.

Dean: So the way that this is going to work is that list will be stored and you could just say like remove those people. You don't have to go to the tax records every month unless there's big changes. If you're mailing into a thousand homes, you really only need to remove that that one was sold and this one responded, those would be the only two things that I'd change.

Audience: I guess what I do is I just go in and grab a new tax record, instead of trying to figure out which ones have gone.

Dean: But you're going and you're changing the whole thing to accommodate the two changes that have happened or the six names that are different this month.

Audience: But I don't know which ones are different.

Dean: You would know who responds.

Audience: I know that part of it but the other part of it is people who've moved or that type of thing.

Dean: And by the way, they go to the person or current resident too.

Audience: That's what I was just going to say, it's not critical, although I've gotten some big credits from prospects plus lately, because they've left that language off and I've gotten back like 500 postcards. They're good, they do credit it, but that's why you don't have to be so paranoid about the list, because it will... because they have that verbiage that its current resident, it doesn't matter if your name is wrong, it's still going to get delivered to the house.

Audience: So then it would be just taking off the people...

Audience: And then in my case, everybody in my target neighborhood gets a yellow postcard every month, because I'm using EDDM, and I'm just thinking hopefully it's just a brand reminder or you're the guy that sent a yellow postcard. I just don't even think about it.

Dean: It's not worth the effort of doing it.

Audience: That's what I've thought about too. Maybe I just send it to whoever.

Audience: Some of us in our area, Virginia, DC, Maryland, our tax records say if it's a trust, the John and Mary Jones Trust, so is there some way to ... with the labeling of the postcard, to send it to John and Mary Jones, as opposed to even if I send it to the John and Mary Jones Trust?

Dean: I think it sends to whatever you put on the address, you're in control of the addresses.

Audience: I'm talking about the labeling of the name.

Dean: Whatever you put on the record that gets uploaded to who we're mailing to, that's how it gets mailed. We had that same situation in South Beach, they're all numbered companies, there's so many things that are the real thing, but it was funny that the people ... like the celebrity people who have the condos there, some of them their real name with an address is the things. So to get right to them, pretty interesting.

You want to be one of the guinea pigs. I like it. Cindy's ready to be a guinea pig.

Audience: I think the thing that would be ideal is kind of like we used to do with the AdWords. You set up the account and then we learn the moves, so to speak, with how to run the AdWords account and for instance, if we use the easy button and Diane sets up the Facebook ad, we know where to put them and we can spend a thousand if we want to, we could spend five hundred or $20, whatever it may be. That always seemed to work real well.

Dean: It used to be we would set up and set it and forget it and it would go and go for years, that was how we did it.

Audience: The landing pages would be hooked up where they need to be and when the leads would come in, it would be all set up.

Dean: Put you in the driver's seat, you get the joystick, you control the whole thing.

Audience: We're almost there, the only thing we're missing is the ad. Diane's already spent more money in the last year than I've spent on myself. She spent more of my money this year than I've spent on myself.

Audience: When you're mailing to those corporations, do you have a sexy salutation that you suggest using?

Dean: It doesn't matter on a postcard, really.

Audience: It does if you're mailing to the absentee owner. Dear, one, two, three, four or five, Ontario Limited, it's not very good.

Dean: We don't use a salutation on the postcards.

Audience: You have to have a name on the front.

Dean: But whatever it is, 1245, Ontario Limited, whatever it is on the tax record, that's who gets the card. We don't use a salutation for that.

Audience: One of the things I was going to say, as far as the Facebook account goes, there could be a good benefit doing kind of option number two, where everything sort of runs through you guys. Because if you guys have done Facebook ads, you can get ghosted. So I had my Facebook account ghosted because we were doing a bunch of postings for a while and Facebook, like you can't get anybody live. If they ghost your account, good luck, you're done.

Literally it took me months to get it done and it was only because I befriended somebody and I was pulling in help from lots of friends and stuff. The reason why you get ghosted is it can be just a word, like for whatever reason they decide that one of your ads is a fair housing violation, boom, your whole account is taken down.

But if you do a lot of volume, then you have an account manager.

Dean: The reason I'm paying so much, he's got a team of people on standby for him, spending $50,000 a day. He's got instant access.

Audience: That's the difference, because the big spenders have their own account manager, so they can get somebody who can get you unfrozen, so that could be a big benefit because it's actually one of the things that I've been afraid to kind of dip my toe back in the water, because it super sucked. Because we had everything really wired in and then all of a sudden it's like you're dead. What did I do? You don't even know.

Audience: It's true, like your effectiveness, like if you were running it and you have an engagement vector or whatever it is, but your cost for the same ad could be way lower.

Dean: So what I've learned even just watching how he'll do it, he sets up these waves where he'll set up the audience for the ... so first step was audience optimization, so he picks up all of the people who have the job title, real estate agent or realtor, then all of the people, as another one, who list the big employers as their employer. Like Keller Williams, Remax, all the brands to build that audience, people who are employed by that. People who like the National Association of Realtors, like have interests that would align with them being a realtor to him, for him to test those things and test two different versions of the ad, to see which one is the one that resonates and we're narrowing it down.

And then the second round is, now that he knows what the audience is, what's the right message and we've dialed it in. It's cool to watch it unfold.

Audience: Are there any Facebook ads currently on the blog that can be used?

Dean: There are some.

Audience: Have they been effective?

Dean: So the ones that we've used as the controls are the getting listings postcard, essentially the same message, the report on ... the February report on Winterhaven house prices, that same copy, same message, same headline as an ad sending people to the landing page, that's working. And the individual property ones for a particular listing saying, I need to sell my Kingsmill townhouse this weekend. That kind of one telling the story or open house this weekend or even just the information about one property. Those are the controls.

Next up that we're testing is the USDA, oh, the other one is the reverse mortgage one that we've been doing, that's working really well.

Audience: What is the USDA?

Dean: You don't have any in your area because you're in the city.

Audience: Do you have to have a cow in the backyard?

Audience: You were attracted to the cows.

Dean: That's right, exactly, that's funny, I like it.

Let's do a final round, just quick last thought and action step. What's the thing you're going to be working on right now? I'll give you a second to reflect and look at your notes. And we started with you, Sean, so we'll start again with you and finish up.

Audience: I do have a few more notes this go around. I've even got to flip through the pages. There's several things, the one thing I was really interested in was about the Facebook. I really don't do anything with Facebook, but how to implement that. So that's one thing and I really need to focus on the category. We've talked about it and I really need to do that.

Dean: Set it and forget it print ads, that's really what that is. Print ads, that's the way I look at, set it and forget it, there's no maintenance required, you run it and it works and that's the thing. By the way, I told you about the reverse mortgage stuff, we're running in 30 plus publications at 12 to one ROI in generating leads for $25.

Audience: I need to dig into that a little bit more.

Dean: That would be a great market for you.

Audience: The big takeaway form was definitely the getting listings. I remember leaving the Academy last year, going I'm on this, I got it and a year later, here we are. And we spoke on the Listing Lifestyle call and the difference is I have everything, it's prepped, it's all in place. So it's going back and putting that in the system and I think one of the other takeaways is knowing that you don't have to go out and do a thousand, two thousand homes. It's driving home that point of starting what you can and then build upon it and reinvest. Because when you earn money in the stock market, you have dividends, you reinvest, it's how you make more money.

So I think that getting listings is numero uno and then working with the buyer guide. The guide to home prices. I will be getting in touch with Diane and be putting that together. I'm working on the map and everything, but those are the two biggest pieces that I'm taking away.

Audience: My goal is to farm out the before and after unit to you guys as quickly as possible, but to get to that point, this has helped. So I'll get my market watch going for the buyer so I can start being a market maker within Scarborough. The other thing that I was going to do is come up with a bunch of short videos for people that were interested in Scarborough, like three minute videos that would get put on the autoresponder, so that there's a year's worth of, hey, welcome to Scarborough, here's what's going on, but have it be evergreen so I don't have to redo it.

But that's to dominate that one and only market. So if that's my job creating and trying to dominate Scarborough with you guys help, and then the big picture, the business is me running a ghost machine, as it were. That's what I want to do, but my job is Scarborough.

Dean: How many people are attracted to that idea of running ghost restaurants? Job one is let's get the main restaurant working on all levels. And then go on and use that as a foundation.

Audience: Market making. I need to get that into my rotation and teach my partners how to do that as well. And I also am ... I am currently suppressing the nerd in me and going to spend ... I'm in the moment, the nerd is being suppressed and I am spending time meeting those who can do it. I can't even say it, because I like doing it for about 20 minutes and then I'm sick of it. I'm spending more time finding someone that can do it, I don't have to do it, because I don't need to know how to do it.

Dean: Those how pies.

Audience: I have my notes from last year here as well, so I wanted to tap on that. I have written down from last year after the conference with Tony on the screen, no deviation determination for dedication of domination. Which is a lot of Ds in there, but that served me really well, don't deviate, be determined to dominate. And then the ghost realtors, that's going to haunt me. See what I did there? But that one's going to haunt me, for sure.

Audience: I'm a little slow, so 12 years later I just like don't want to know how. I just want you guys to do it and I want to keep feeding the machine to just grow that so that I have a listing agent lifestyle. I think all the rest of it, I don't know the Google Maps, so again, I don't even really know that I want to know how. When you asked about what can we do for you, like when I hear it, I know it's good, but do I need to know how to do that? I don't know that I do.

Audience: I loved market maker monopolies, that just kind of triggered something in my mind with the different possibilities there. Google Maps, it's something that ever since you mentioned it, I don't know how many years it is now, but that's been something that, oh, I got to do that, I got to do that. So like Cindy said, if that's something that could be done, that would be freaking awesome.

Dean: Do you know how to set up the Google Map layer? Export the ... I can show you, but that'll be the kind of thing everybody would love to have. It's a little bit ... you do know how? It's on the blog, the instructions are right there.

Audience: I love compelling versus convincing. I thought that was so succinct to explain how we roll and it was just really ... that's something that's going to resonate, and then, yet again, I know I'm being successful when, I heard it completely different today for some reason. And I know I've heard your story before. I've heard the whole thing, but for some reason, today, it just resonated on a little bit different level.

Audience: Camilla, she says that she's just going to hit the easy button. So for me, it's pretty simple. I'm going to just implement the getting listings exactly as you did, which is rare for me. Because normally I'm like we'll kind of tweak this a little bit. I don't really like that, so I'm just actually going to just follow the recipe which is hard for me.

And then the other thing that I think is really important is, I'm going to focus on the listing multiplier, because that's been something that I've been very like ... I've been not only just a 1.0, but just like proud of my 1.0. I sold that listing in six days and made a bunch of money. I'm awesome. Now when you look at it, I'm like, I'm stupid. I left a lot of money on the table. That one's actually going to be huge because that's like a huge opportunity for free money.

Audience: Can we only have two? The first thing I'm going to do is fill Sarah in because she was not able to come. I want to bump up the getting listing neighborhoods that we're sending to, increase that, and just really focus on that. Continue to or not continue, because we haven't started, but finding buyers' ads on Facebook, focus on raising the listing multiplier, start again the weekly market watch email to my prospects.

Dean: You can start with a nine word email.

Audience: We've done that. And be the market maker every time we show homes, contact the people in those areas, get the Google Maps, automate as much as possible, and work on taking incoming calls only.

Audience: I want to do the Facebook advertising with you, so just let me know when you're ready. I'm going to go back and put in an ad in the newspaper that runs for a long time extending the advertising I'm doing already. So the extension will be less expensive than what I'm doing, but I'm going to negotiate for more. I'll talk to the guys working for me saying, are you serious about walking away from being profitable with Zillow leads? I think they should participate in those and I'm happy to front-load it, pay for it upfront.

And then I'm going to increase, go back to increasing my getting listings postcards and take Zach's advice on a different zip code.

Audience: I have a lot of stuff for my team to do when I get back. They love me, yeah. So I'm going to or we are going to and we never means me. We are going to, they know that, we're going to check out the text featuring in GoGo. We'll learn all the features in the GoGo website, we're going to go back to doing the flyer boxes. I'm going to stop publishing my monthly newsletter and just do the 2000 most interesting facts postcard.

And this is only the hardest one for me, and that is not to innovate until I've implemented. I want to do a monthly nine word email. I'm going to supersize my signatures and it's such a long list of stuff that I do, it may have to say continued on the next page.

I want to do the meet at Starbucks, hi Maria. And I'm going to do Facebook Ads, so if you want to test anything with me, I'm all in. I'm going to bring my numbers next year, but more importantly, know the numbers. I think this will keep them busy for a while.

Audience: I'm going to finish off my guide to downtown Toronto condo values. I've got all those stats and so I'm ready, so I'll get that done in the next two weeks and I'm going to set up all the buyers in my database with listings feed right out of my website. I noticed the ones that have that are the ones that are always coming back and interacting.

Audience: I'm going to work this system to the best of my ability, exactly as you designed it.

Dean: To the lifestyle of the listing agent's society.

Audience: And because marketing is your superpower. I can only imagine what would happen if we pool our resources to get that kind of buying power that you were talking about and I'm hearing everyone talking about 60, $70 per lead, I'm hearing you saying $2 and $3 and it just seems like the economy of scale could benefit if we all bond together. I'm a hundred percent up for that, whenever it happens.

Audience: Mine would be a market watch email and sold watch email, that's my next major focus that I'll get checked off my list. And I do have a request for the next GoGo Academy call, which was we never did have an opportunity to talk about, I'm doing market maker activities, I have someone who says, please put me in your secret inventory and then I bump across a buyer who would be perfect for that house, what are the physical steps of getting them together and making sure that I've got the paperwork in place, that it all makes sense, those scripts.

I don't care necessarily about having the paperwork. I just want to have the scripts or the conversations in my head of when I'm talking to the seller. I'm going to bring someone by, when's that going to work for you to bring someone by? And when I tell a person, we'll go look at this house of 123 Main Street, that there's someone that I just make sure they don't kind of get together on their own, which I don't suspect that they really would. But just the flow of how, if anyone's actually done that, is what I'd like to know and how they handled it.

So I think that would be a good topic for a GoGo call.

Dean: That'd be good in the forum.

Audience: I'm going to implement GoGo in my business. It's currently not implemented. That and the world's most interesting postcard and I have a feeling within 12 months that I'll be a licensed realtor and just really like the business. And I'll do the 12 months CD.

Dean: That's the thing, I think that the ... it's funny how like personalities, I've done a lot of work with financial advisors this year and so in a roomful of financial advisors, they all are very different than being in a roomful of real estate agents. It's they're all very analytical, disciplined executors, all that stuff. And the realtors are fun and more creative. It's scattered, but it's true.

So I think your skillset coming in to business, that we've got a plan that just requires disciplined execution. And that's really, I think what financial advisors are more suited towards, in a way. The ideal is to partner with somebody who's the creative, like there's a really great ... the best realtors are often the ones that are the most like bonding, the people, people, who just don't like the paperwork and stuff.

If I had to choose one of those things, I'd rather find somebody like that who's really great at the personal and people elements of it and partner them with someone who's the disciplined executor to keep the planes all organized.

Audience: My primary focus is going to be to find an agent to work my during unit for me. I have them in my rental business and it just changes everything. And I would prefer to work on managing the watching over the before and the after.

Dean: And that's the thing, that was kind of the discussion that I was trying to like kind of prompt with what would be your dream come true, that some people have a dream come true that would be, listen, I just want to work with people and sell houses and list houses and negotiate contracts. And I want somebody else to manage all of that other stuff, so I can do that. And then there's other people who, I don't care if I ever show another house or talk to another ... I just want to run the marketing stuff and have somebody else to do all the real estate stuff. That's kind of where you're saying that, it's funny.

Audience: I have several takeaways, but I'd like to be one of the guinea pigs for the Facebook thing, because we could test it against what I'm currently doing and everything else, so that would be a good test. Because I know what I pay Christian every month and if I could eliminate that expense and throw the money to you, that would be lovely.

But my best dream day is negotiating contracts, listing and selling and nurturing my clients. So what I can offload on you within a reasonable amount of expectation, but I also get analytical sometimes about all that. So I need to see it and make sure that your back-end is equipped to do it.

Dean: So inspect my back-end.

Audience: But the postcard is the first thing to offload and that's the easiest to do, then the second is to bifurcate those local guides for Annapolis historic district, Annapolis waterfront, and then all the rest. And then from there, the market watch. But I don't want to bite off more than I can chew.

Audience: So in order of priority what I need to accomplish is world's most interesting postcard, because once it's done, it's done. The database is there and something that's been floating around in my head. Coming here has confirmed that getting listings is well underway. I got 30 hands raised last month, just over the last couple days I've got three more. 12 now. And I just see it going, it's going to be great.

However, to make it work long-term, I can see how important it is to do the market maker. So attracting buyers, it's a huge topic. I haven't even looked in the website to see the resources there, but the elegance of getting listings, I'm trying to adopt that by saying what is it that enters the mind of a prospective buyer at the point when they are considering where to buy?

Dean: That was the original thought of what prompted the guide to Halton Hills real estate prices, was people coming out and going, well, how much are houses in Georgetown? They don't have any idea, they don't know, that's how that came is that, well, what do you get for your money?

Audience: Creating that is a massive project.

Dean: Not really, because again, we've got the whole template for it, it's really just plugging in the pictures and taking a cross-section of, here's what the condos are, here's the townhouses, here's the semi-detached, the bigger ones. A cross-section of going up in $50,000 increments kind of thing, what you get for your money. That's all you need.

Time flies. I've had so much fun, you guys are awesome. I was hoping to have a small group, so don't keep us a secret as they say. Tell all your friends. Thank you so much. Awesome.

And there we have it, another great episode, and if you'd like to continue the conversation, you can go to listingagentlifestyle.com, you can download a copy of the Listing Agent Lifestyle book, the manifesto that shares everything that we're talking about here. And you can be a guest on the show, if you'd like to talk about how we can build a Listing Agent Lifestyle plan for your business. Just click on the be a guest link at listingagentlifestyle.com.

And if you'd like to join our community of people who are applying all of the things we talked about in the Listing Agent Lifestyle, come on over to gogoagent.com, we've got all the programs, all the tools, everything you need to get listings, to multiply your listings, to get referrals, convert leads and to find buyers. And you can get a free, truly free no credit card required trial for 30 days at gogoagent.com.

So come on over and I will see you there.