Ep099: The Future of Finding & Converting Buyers

Today on the Listing Agent Lifestyle podcast we're finishing up our journey, looking at the future of real estate, the immediate future, the things that are here today that are going to shape this next decade of the '20s.

This is the forth sessions from our recent Real Estate Summit in Toronto, talking about the future of getting listings, and today we're looking at the future of converting leads and finding buyers, and the trends already in motion, that are going to work in our favor and really give us an advantage if we embrace them to move forward on each of the elements of the Listing Agent Lifestyle.

You're really going to enjoy this as you direct your thinking, not just to a new year, but to a new decade. What is it really going to mean to go into the '20s, and how can we equip you to be completely prepared to embrace all of these opportunities.


Ep098: The Future of Getting Referrals

Today on the Listing Agent Lifestyle podcast we're continuing our journey, looking at the future of real estate, the immediate future, the things that are here today that are going to shape this next decade of the '20s.

This is the third of 4 sessions from our recent Real Estate Summit in Toronto, talking about the future of getting listings, the future of multiplying our listings, of getting referrals, and of converting leads and finding buyers.

Today we're looking at the future of getting referrals, and the trends already in motion, that are going to work in our favor and really give us an advantage if we embrace them to move forward on each of the elements of the Listing Agent Lifestyle.

You're really going to enjoy this as you direct your thinking, not just to a new year, but to a new decade. What is it really going to mean to go into the '20s, and how can we equip you to be completely prepared to embrace all of these opportunities.


Ep097: The Future of Multiplying Your Listings

Today on the Listing Agent Lifestyle podcast we're continuing our journey, looking at the future of real estate, the immediate future, the things that are here today that are going to shape this next decade of the '20s.

So these next few episodes will be some of the sessions from our recent Real Estate Summit in Toronto, talking about the future of getting listings, the future of multiplying our listings, of getting referrals, and of converting leads and finding buyers.

Today we're looking at multiplying our listings, and what are the trends already in motion? The trends that are going to work in our favor and, what are the things that are really going to give us an advantage if we embrace them to move forward on each of the elements of the Listing Agent Lifestyle.

You're really going to enjoy this as you direct your thinking not just to a new year, but to a new decade. What is it really going to mean to go into the '20s, and how can we equip you to be completely prepared to embrace all of these opportunities.


Ep096: The Future of Getting Listings

Today on the Listing Agent Lifestyle podcast we're closing in on the end of the year and not only the end of the year, we're closing in on the end of a decade.

We're quickly heading into the future, and we had an event in Toronto this October to talk about exactly that. The future of real estate, the immediate future, the things that are here today, and the things that are going to shape this next decade of the '20s.

Where are the trends already in motion? The trends that are going to work in our favor and, what are the things that are really going to give us an advantage if we embrace them to move forward on each of the elements of the Listing Agent Lifestyle.

So these next few episodes will be some of the sessions talking about the future of getting listings, the future of multiplying our listings, of getting referrals, and of converting leads and finding buyers.

You're really going to enjoy this as you direct your thinking now, not just to a new year, but to a new decade. What is it really going to mean to go into the '20s, and how can we equip you to be completely prepared to embrace all of these opportunities and make things as easy as we can so we're experiencing the other elements of a Listing Agent Lifestyle; Daily Joy, Abundant Time and Financial Peace.


Ep095: James Schramko

Today on the Listing Agent Lifestyle podcast, we have another special treat.

I've been on a whirlwind tour over the last few weeks in Toronto, Chicago, Phoenix, and recently, St Petersburg back here in Florida, where I was speaking at an event with my good friend James Schramko.

Now you may remember James from our periodic podcasts. Normally I go to Australia each year in August, and we record a special episode to catch up on the previous year in Marketing. James is an amazing entrepreneur. He has a wonderful business. He lives in a beach community just outside Sydney, where he surfs every day, and his lifestyle business allows him to do what he wants, when he wants.

We have a lot in common, and we have a lot of great conversations when we're together.

We decided to go ahead and record our podcasts now, before I go to Australia in a few weeks, and in this conversation, we talk a lot about lifestyle elements, similar to those we talk about here on the Listing Agent Lifestyle podcast.

I think you're going to enjoy this episode.


Ep094: Ruben Estrada

Today on the Listing Agent Lifestyle podcast, we're talking with Ruben Estrada from Denver, Colorado, and Ruben's just getting started running a Getting Listings campaign in an area of 1300 homes.

It's literally his first month. He's got seven responses so far, and we talk about the psychology behind this approach.

This is a great conversation to understand the method behind the message or the understanding the psychology of why we take this approach of offering a report to people. It's very subtle, but we spent a good amount of time here unpacking it.

This is one of those conversations that will change the psychology of the way you think about the role of marketing in your business, especially in the role of getting you listings.


Ep093: Tom Storey

Today on the Listing Agent Lifestyle podcast, we are in for a treat because we're talking with Tom Storey from Toronto.

One of the elements of the Listing Agent Lifestyle we always talk about is Getting Referrals and managing your after unit for a 20% annual yield. Well, here we are, we're going to be talking with someone today who's doing just that!

You're going to hear just how possible it is to get a really great yield and high volume of transactions, based on the relationships with a small group of people.

I think this is going to be very motivating. We spent almost the entire podcast talking about his After Unit, and leveraging the things he has going on with his Listing Multiplier opportunities created from the business he's doing.

You'll want to listen closely, and take some notes for this one.


Ep092 - Ric Luis Araujo

Today on the Listing Agent Lifestyle podcast we're talking with Ric Luis Araujo from Oahu, Hawaii and Ric has just started the Getting Listings program, mailing to an area he wants to dominate.

We identified a couple of tweaks that will fundamentally shift the way he thinks about the program, and I'm glad we had this conversation because we spent the entire hour talking about the structure and thought process behind why and how the Getting Listings program works the way it does.

I think even though Ric felt like he was alone in wondering if this approach will work for him, and if he was 'doing it right', I know a lot of people have similar questions. So this full hour is exactly about how do we evaluate the area you're choosing to mail, why we do what we do, and what you can expect when you start a Getting Listings mailing for your area.


Ep091: Rene Nelson

Today on the Listing Agent Lifestyle podcast we're talking with Rene Nelson from Eugene, Oregon and Renee is a commercial real estate broker who specializes in multi-family apartment complexes in Eugene.

She's had a lot of success, especially around the University of Oregon campus where a lot of investors are eager to buy multi-family homes because of the rental nature of people coming to go to school.

We had a wonderful conversation about the importance of really dominating that target market because there are so few people actually control that whole space. There are only 235 owners who own 500 buildings, which can tame all of the multi-family homes over four units in Eugene.

We talked about a complete strategy to dominate not only the listing side of the market but the buyer side as well. The ideas are totally transferrable from everything we talk about on the residential side, and the same applies if you're trying to dominate lakefront homes or golf course homes or oceanfront condos... multi-family is no different. We need to speak to sellers in a language that's appealing to sellers, all the while speaking to and attracting buyers with a language that's attractive to them.

Then we can put them together as a market maker.

This was a really great conversation, it went very quickly, and there's a lot for you to get out of it.


Ep090: Tony Kalsi

Today on the Listing Agent Lifestyle podcast we're joined once again by Tony Kalsi form Ontario in Canada.

You may remember Tony from his appearance as the very first guest on the podcast. Well, this September marks the sixth year of his Getting Listings case study, and the numbers are pretty amazing.

We're now at over a million dollars in commissions, with a 12.2 times ROI, and it's pretty exciting to see how it all has worked out so far. We're well down the path of multiplying the investment Tony's made in that first year, and we spent a lot of the call talking really about what happened in those 12 months.

What was amazing is that we found that since mailing the first year postcards, he's got 165 people to raise their hand and ask for the report, and since that time he's done 22 transactions with people who responded in the first 12 months.

So over the six years, he's got 22 listings from this group, and there were another 22 people who sold their house, but not with Tony. I know people often ask, 'Are the people responding to a free house price report really selling their house? Well, clearly they are, and Tony was able to get 50% of the people who requested the report and then went on to sell their house in the next six years.

It's interesting because some of them chose Tony this year, even though they responded in 2013!

This is a fascinating conversation and I want it to be an encouragement for you to get started and come on over to GoGoAgent.com. You get access to the entire program, every single thing that Tony's doing, including other interviews and videos that will give you you the opportunity to do exactly what Tony has done. You can get a free trial, no credit card required, take a look around and try it out for 30 days.

While you're looking around, take a listen to this weeks episode.